XO Yaacov Kaufman
Flowers & Folding Chairs

exhibition curator

O is Flower Field: a morphological study of cones and plastic that has recently been preoccupying the designer Yaacov Kaufman and is now displayed in the gallery of apartment 6. X is Kaufman’s collection of folding chairs, which he gathered over many years. During the exhibition visitors at the Lev café will be able to sit on some

of them.

designed by Ayelet Feinzeig, Ben Kalphon and Tal Nistor; Web image design: Tal Nistor;  production: Anat Levy: Design: Eran Eizenhamer and Anat Levy: Graphic design: Ayelet Feinzeig, Ben Kalphon, Ofir Gurevich, and Tal Nistor; curators School of the City conference: Ana Wild, Maa

yan Moses, Eran Eizehhamer; text editor: Yoni Raz Portugali; Open Studio: School of the City team: construction: Aya Zeiger; acknowledgments: Nirit Nelson.
image :tal nistor