** 29.10-15.2.22
XO Yaacov Kaufman
Flowers & Folding Chairs
exhibition curator
of them.
designed by Ayelet Feinzeig, Ben Kalphon and Tal Nistor; Web image design: Tal Nistor; production: Anat Levy: Design: Eran Eizenhamer and Anat Levy: Graphic design: Ayelet Feinzeig, Ben Kalphon, Ofir Gurevich, and Tal Nistor; curators School of the City conference: Ana Wild, Maa
yan Moses, Eran Eizehhamer; text editor: Yoni Raz Portugali; Open Studio: School of the City team: construction: Aya Zeiger; acknowledgments: Nirit Nelson.
image :tal nistor